Ipswich Lifestyle
Ipswich is estimated to see a population growth from 220,000 to 558,000 by 2041.
The substantial amount of land available in Ipswich allows the city to support this high growth rate.
Ipswich Central
Ipswich Central is a collaborative city-shaping project which encompasses ten economic precincts working together to achieve a common goal of improving economic activity in the region. The project will deliver on priority initiatives to unlock the economic potential of Ipswich Central. This project is a significant opportunity for place focused city transformation.
Ripley Valley Priority Development Area (PDA)
The Ripley Valley priority development area is located in one of the largest urban growth areas in Australia. It covers an area of 4,680 hectares and is located approximately five kilometres south west of the Ipswich CBD and south of the Cunningham Highway. Ripley Valley will house a future population of 120,000, with a series of distinctive neighbourhoods and mixed-use villages.
The $1.5 billion Ripley Town Centre will support new public transport infrastructure, health care, education and commercial development. Visit the residential communities of Ecco Ripley and Providence to find out more.
Greater Springfield
Greater Springfield is already home to more than 35,000 residents, with projected population increasing to 115,000 by 2036.
It covers 2,860 hectares and is located less than 35 minutes to Ipswich Central.
Public and private investment to the value of $17 billion, including $1.2 billion for a rail and transport hub.
Ipswich City Council has a range of entertainment, attractions, sport and recreational activities.
For the latest offerings, facilities and programs visit:
Entertainment and Attractions
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Parks and Reserves
Explore over 550 parks and reserves
So many active and healthy options